Friendship can either help you blossom or lead you to your doom.

Hello, everyone.

I welcome you to my blog. One way to experience continuous sadness is when we look forward to getting treated the same way we treat people. It is very difficult to come across people who were paid good for good; these days, people are getting paid evil for the good they did. With recent happenings, I have been forced to agree that your reward for the good you did is in heaven and not on earth. Many people don't value kindness towards them once they are back on their feet; they forget the seven hells and seas the person crossed to do them the little good they did.

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Friends can either make our lives colorful and beautiful, or at the same time, they can leave one with regrets and wish they never met. This is why I don't blame people who carefully select who they call friends and who they roll with. With the right circle of friends, your life will definitely blossom, but with the wrong circle of friends, it is nothing but doom. Growing up, we all had friends, some of whom we still keep in touch with and some of whom we have lost touch with, and it is all part of life. The memories we share keep us going even after we have lost touch.

As we journey through life, we keep meeting new people and, in most cases, losing touch with the old ones. It is sad, but normal a in life. Many friends will at some point stop being a part of your life, and no matter how hard you try to fix the bond or make things work, it doesn't, and you are forced to move on. Currently, there are many things we wish the younger version of ourselves knew while growing up, and if given the chance, we will time travel and try to coach our young selves.

If I could time travel to advise my young self about how to navigate friendship, there are so many things I have to say, many of which my young self won't even like, but I have to tell him because I have seen how they affected me. One of the few things I will tell myself is to never force a friendship on anyone; let them be if they don't want it. As a grownup, I looked back and realized some friendships were forced, and forced friendships or relationships are always toxic and, in most cases, one-sided.

One thing I did while growing up that hurts my ego whenever I remember, and I still regret or wish I did not do, was letting myself suffer inferiority complex, though I was intelligent but at the same time felt like I was not competent enough. It hurts each time I remember how I acted and did things in the midst of other kids. If given the chance, I will advise young me to always keep his chin up and walk like he is supposed to. He should just be himself and get rid of the inferiority complex, as it in some ways affected a lot of friendships, but I just didn't see it that way then.

I will advise young me not to expect friends to treat him the same way he treats them in order to avoid feeling disappointed when friends treat him in a way he least expected. Expectation kills, and expecting friends to not hurt you because you'd never do anything to hurt them is one of the things that leaves one sad in the end.

Thanks for reading my post.

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