Thank God It’s Friday!

Why is Monday so far away from Friday and Friday so close to Monday?

Honestly, my favourite day of the week is holiday but it’s unfortunate we don’t have holiday as a day in the week.😂 With the life I’m living now, I always check my calendar to see when the next holiday is. The funny part is, today is a holiday yet I still find myself at work. Can you imagine? I really need to get a life at this point.

It’s no news that everyone’s hates Mondays and I’m no exception. Also, I hate Sundays a bit because just the thought of Monday coming after Sunday makes me hate the day. I always dread Sundays because I know that Monday is getting closer and that means another week of stress and suffering.🥲

There’s no human being on this earth who would tell me they hate Fridays. When you walk into your work place or office on Fridays, even the air in the atmosphere smells different, if you know what I mean. The smiles you get from your friends and colleagues at work is different from the grumpy faces they all have on Monday mornings. And how can I forget how everyone is dressed in their African clothing’s or casual clothings.

As a Friday born, I love Fridays so much not only because it’s my day, but because it’s the last working day of the week. I always look forward to Fridays because I know that the weekend is closer. For me, everything feels different on Fridays. Waking up from bed at my usual time and going to work. Sometimes I have a lot to do so I can be free during the weekend and sometimes I really don’t have much to do. On Fridays , I also get to visit the mosque for Jummah prayers and I really love that. Seeing so many Muslim brothers and sisters come together to worship gives me so much joy.

And then, getting to close from work earlier than usual also makes Fridays the best day of the week. Even though I mostly don’t close from work early on Fridays, I love the thought of me being able to close early even though I choose not to sometimes because I have stuff to work on. At my office, we are mostly busy during the week and it’s only on Fridays we get to sit, chat and laugh so much.😅 This gives us the opportunity to release some stress from the week’s activities.

In Ghana, Friday nights are for going out and having fun but since I’m mostly too exhausted to do anything, I just choose to be indoors relaxing. The good thing about Fridays is that I don’t need to follow my sleep schedule. I can sleep at anytime I want since I have no work the next day. For me, Fridays are special. Maybe there’s a reason for that but I’m yet to discover it. So, favourite day of the week goes to Friday!😅

all images belong to me.

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