Petty Ain't Pretty: Set Yourself Free

Everyday, I make sure to go to bed with a clean heart free from hate, grudges or whatever negativity it might be. Life is meant to be simple but sometimes we complicate it for ourselves. We can all bear witness to the fact that no one is perfect, thus, people are bound to do or say things which you don’t like in one way or the other.

You can be having a nice day and all of a sudden someone just ruins everything with an act. Sometimes it’s best not to react but at times we just can’t help it. A few weeks ago, I was walking back home with a colleague from work and he said something that didn’t sit well with me. Being the person that I am, saying something worse back at him wouldn’t be a huge task for me but instead I kept quiet. You could see my mood just changed from happy to angry. We were in public so being quiet was the best thing to do. I wouldn’t want to create a scene or even disgrace myself in public because of another person.

That night, I sat down to think about what went down and I realised there was no need getting mad or worrying about it anymore because the harm had already been done. What I could do was put measures in place for this incident to never repeat itself again and I did. This is where forgiveness comes in.

Forgiveness is a very big word when it comes to living and it carries so much with it. Life is all about forgiving. Hell, even God who created us forgives us for our sins so who are we to not forgive others when they wrong us. If you know me, you’d know I joke a lot and you’re likely to always meet me smiling. One thing about me is that I am unable to hide how I feel sometimes because my facial expressions eventually give me away.😂 For example, I can be in a good mood this minute and the next moment when someone annoys me my facial expression just changes. My mood has a very great effect on my day. Once I get mad during the day, that means the remaining part of my day is going to be bad.

To me,forgiveness is like the water I drink everyday because I need it so much in my life in order to not go insane. Once someone does something wrong to me, I make sure to forgive them by the end of the day because holding grudges is really not going to change anything. Also, sometimes forgiving someone can be really hard because the weight of some things can’t be compared to minor acts which we forgive easily.

There are instances where people do us wrong and it really hurts us and creates a wound in our hearts. In cases like this the forgiving process isn’t as easy as forgiving someone for taking your candy bar. Sometimes it takes days, weeks , months and even years before we are able to fully let go. Forgiving is also a huge part of healing. There’s no way you can heal from something without forgiving those involved. It’s hard, I know. But it’s worth the try.

To me, forgiveness is more like redemption and an opportunity to have new beginnings. We are nothing if we can’t forgive because without forgiveness, we are bound to loose our humanity. Let’s learn to let go and forgive one another because we are all we’ve got.

all images belong to me.

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