My Hive Year In Review And Goals For 2024

Hello there, I hope you’re having a great day. Happy new year to you and your family. I hope this new year brings so you much joy, peace , love everything you wish for.

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A goal is a dream with a deadline. - Peter Drucker

As we find ourselves in a new year, 2024 by Gods grace I look back and I see how far I’ve come and my accomplishments in the past year. Before the year 2023 began, I set goals for myself on the blockchain which you can find in this post. The past year has been good to me, no doubt. But as we start a new year, I want to go back to the goals I set for myself last year and see how far I’ve come and if I was able to achieve them while setting new goals for myself this year.

Looking at my hive journey, for most part of my first year I’ve been inactive but I would say that I was consistent in 2023 as compared to when I first joined which I would say is a great achievement for me. This year, I aim to do way better than last year. Now let’s have them,



Before the start of 2023, I had below 300HP then and my goals for the year was to reach at least 900HP by the end of the year 2023 and to achieve that, my plan was to take part in all HPUD’s which I did, to be consist, post more often and also gain some curation rewards. Surprisingly, I was able to surpass my goal hitting 1,351HP at the end of the year.

For the year 2024, my goals is to reach at least 3500HP by the end of the year and I have strategies in place to achieve this goals. I know it is achievable and I will make sure to work towards it.


Before the start of 2023, I set a goal to be more consistent than I was on the blockchain before. Consistency in the sense that, I make at least one post a day, or at most 6 posts a week. Comment on other peoples post, explore the blockchain and be open to meeting new people. The year 2023 has been my best hive year as I made sure to be very consistent and even on days when I was very busy and packed up with other stuff, I made sure to show up on the blockchain.

This year, my goal is to double my consistency. I would still stick to making at least one post or day or at most 6 posts a week. I wouldn’t want to set a goal I know I wouldn’t be able to achieve but I hope to make at least one post a day for the whole year.


Actually, I don’t remember my reputation from 2022 but I wild like to believe it was below 60 reputation. My goal for 2023 was to clock 70 reputation but unfortunately, that couldn’t be achieved. I ended the year with a reputation of 67 which I think was very close to my target.
For 2024, my goal is to hit between 72 to 75 reputation and I know that I would be able to achieve it.


At the start of the year 2023, I had 29 followers on the blockchain which was due to my inconsistency. I set a goal to reach at least 100 followers by the end of the year and guess what, I ended the year with 102 followers which is a big win for me.
For 2024, my goal is to have between 200 to 300 followers by the end of the year and I plan to achieve that through constant engagement on the blockchain.


I don’t remember setting and savings and investment goals for the year 2023 but I was able to save some amount of Hive and Hbd which served a good purpose for me during the course of the year.
I was also able to explore and invest in new tokens while stacking more of the tokens I was already investing in.

This year, I have a savings and investment plan which I plan to follow throughout the year and I hope to stick to it till the end of the year.


In the past year, I set goals which I set out to achieve and I did for most. But I faced some challenges because I wasn’t able to track my growth and how I was doing with my goals over the course of the year.
This year, I have a plan to help me track my progress throughout the course of the year and I know this will help me fast track the process of achieving my goals.

I am optimistic that this year, my hive experience will be much better than the past year and I look forward to all the great things this lovely blockchain has to offer. I hope you enjoyed reading this, thank you for your time.

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