Ghana: A Melting Pot of Tradition,Hospitality,and Passion

Are you a Ghanaian? If yes then I guess you’re a proud one. If no then you need to pack up your bags and pay a visit to the land of gold.

This is the story of Ghana my motherland. A country where happiness resides, a beacon of hope, a country where amidst all the struggles its people fight as one. As we all know, no one is perfect and same applies to countries and for that matter Ghana. Sometimes the youth complain of a whole lot of issues they face in the country and even compare our country to other countries. But you know you can never compare our country to other well to do countries because in as much as we are facing challenges, we are also proud of who and what we are.

Currently, our economy isn’t something we will want to talk about but let’s talk about how hospitable we are. I’ve been to other countries and I’ve seen how strangers or tourists are treated. People don’t really give a shit about you and you’re mostly on your own even when you’re lost and need help. I guess not everyone talks to strangers but in Ghana, we know ourselves and when we see an outsider in need we do not hesitate to render our help.

A Ghanaian will host you in his home for days, feed you and make you fell comfortable at no cost at all. In Ghana, we believe that what goes around come around and so when we see others in need we do the best we can to help.

Moving on, I don’t think there’s any day you’ll ever feel sad in Ghana because with every crow of the cock there’s something new in store for you. Have you visisted Ghanaian Twitter? There’s always a trend to make you laugh your lungs out. There’s always gist in Ghana even with the hardships in the country. I think this is what keeps most of the youth from going insane because some of them are really going through it. Ghana is fun and there’s no doubt about it. Can you imagine someone can wake up on Saturday morning, dress up and go to a wedding he wasn’t invited to and no nothing about just to eat and come home.😂 yeah that’s the beauty of my country.😅

In as much as you see Ghanaians outside the country hustling to make ends meet, they still love their country and always want to come back. Which Ghanaian will what to eat burger everyday when we have the life saving meal of our time which is Gob3? Not me. I remember when I traveled sometime and go and got really frustrated about the food I was eating. I just couldn’t wait to come home cos hunger will killing me. I wouldn’t trade Ghanaian food for anything and if you haven’t tried any Ghanaian dish you need to come down here and give it a try.


I am and will always be proud of my country because it is who I am and what I have.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, thank you for your time.

all images belong to me unless stated otherwise.

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