Dreemport Marathon Hand Symbol Reveal:Teamwork and Love

My journey in the Dreemport HHYM marathon has been a fruitful one so far. Initially I didn’t know what the whole marathon was about but after reading and some guidance from my team members I can say I am doing better than before.

image belongs to @yahuzah

Being a member of Team flash has been good so far , as we work as a team encouraging and supporting one another to achieve our goals.

It’s already the second week of the marathon but I wasn’t really active last week. This week, I’m fully pumped up and working hard to earn more points for myself and my team. If I don’t work hard @merit.ahama will have a problem with me so I don’t really have a choice.🥲😂

Today is a big day for we #dreemers at #dreemport because it is the hand symbol showcase day. Who would have thought that hand symbols would become a team thing? I mean I’ve seen team members and friends have handshakes and all of that but hand symbols came in as a surprise to me.

Surprisingly, my team and I had so much fun coming up with our hand symbol. Initially we made fun of each other on our page about how some of us had weird hands and all of that but later on we started developing our symbols ahead of today.

After twisting and almost breaking my fingers I finally landed on this symbol. What I had in mind was something to signify team work and love but I just couldn’t decide on which symbol to use since I had a lot. I finally decided on this since it looks sort of cute and I felt it sends the message I want it to.

Everyone on the team had to submit his or her hand symbol so we vote for the best at the end of the day and that’s exactly what we did.

And now I present to you…………
Team Flash Hand Symbol - Lotus Mudra from @adetemi

By just looking at this symbol you feel some sort of energy within you. The message comes to you naturally and I think that’s what makes her symbol stand out. After reading more on the Lotus Mudra I came to learn that this symbol is a representation of purity.
I guess this symbol truly represents our team and we love it! #teamflash for life.

I hope that the coming days bring us more fun as we are really enjoying the marathon.

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