Bringing Books Back Into Your Daily Routine

Sometimes our days can be very hectic and even at the end of the day we realize we haven’t been able to achieve everything on our to-do list. For some of us, in this instance reading a book is not even an option due to how exhausted we are.

In our current technology-driven world, most people don’t remember the last time they read a book. Reading has been one of the major challenges the youth of today face. But have you ever had the thought that reading books is essential for your wellbeing? Reading has many advantages in our lives including enhancing our knowledge, reducing stress and also improving your general mental health.

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Reading can be a hassle for most of us based on several reasons. Some of the major obstacles that prevent us from reading include lack of time due to our busy schedules as well as petty distractions throughout the day. Mostly, we create emergencies for ourselves in our reading time. For example, during my university days I used to have lectures all day sometimes with a few hours break in between so I plan to use those hours to read. When the time comes for me to read, you’ll find me sleeping in the name of 'I’m tired'. This continued for so long it became a habit before I could realize. As time went by, I started to read less and less and eventually I wasn’t reading at all.

I finally came back to my senses after a few semesters and so I decided to come up with strategies to make time for my reading. This first problem I realized I had was discipline so the first thing I did was to discipline myself when it comes to my reading time and attach the same seriousness I have in doing my academic activities. From there, I set my reading goal which was two pages a day and a chapter on my free days.

I had books on my phone which I was reading but I always find myself on either WhatsApp or some social media app doing my own thing. To tackle this, I bought books in order to do away with my mobile phone which was my major source of distraction. You would see me always holding a book around and any free time I got I’ll read a few pages and soon enough I saw the changes I so much desired.

Where I find myself, you don’t find book clubs around that much because the youth of today don’t like reading. It’s very difficult to come across people who read these days and it has become a normal thing. One way to find the right books to read is through social media and recommendations from others. There are apps that also provide us books to read and we could also make good use of them.

It’s okay to take a break from reading sometimes like we do with other activities but we should always try to go back to our reading habits as there’s knowledge in reading. Reading will also save you from a lot of unnecessary drama cos your books won’t fight with you. What are you waiting for?
Start your reading journey today and unlock a world of knowledge, imagination, and peace.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, thank you for your time.

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