My Favourite Christmas Memories

Greetings to you all! I hope you're all having a fantastic day so far.

Christmas is a holiday celebrated by people all over the world on December 25th. It is a time of joy and celebration, when families and friends come together to share love and gifts.

For many, Christmas is a religious holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. Churches around the world hold special services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to commemorate the event. For others, Christmas is a secular holiday that is focused on family and friends, gift-giving, and feasting.

Some of my most cherished and favourite Christmas memories are the ones from my childhood. During Christmas we would all go back to the village, and our home would become a hub of activity. The house would be filled with the scents of delicious food, and everyone would be bustling around, helping to prepare the feast.

One of my most cherished Christmas traditions was decorating the house. My family would get together to do a deep clean, put up the decorations, and string lights. We would spend hours decorating the Christmas tree, hanging ornaments.


Another memory i cherished was the food. Before leaving town for the village, we will stock up foodstuffs in our vehicle like rice, tomatoes, vegetable oil and so on. My uncles will bring chicken and beef. And everyday looked like we were hosting a party because we cooked and feasted. A large pot was used to cook, but the food was consumed instantly after it was removed from the fire, leaving not a single crumb behind.

I loved the memory of people visiting during Christmas time. It was such a special time of year, filled with love and laughter. There was always someone stopping by to say hello and to share in the joy of the season. Friends and neighbours who also came to the village for the holiday were visiting us almost every day and some of the times we will do the visiting. The Christmas visits from friends and family were always filled with gifts.


This is another memory i cherished; On the Christmas eve, we come together as a family and have a get-together. In that get-together we play games, eat, drink and have fun. After that we have a special session where we sing different melodious Christmas carols using musical instruments (my uncles usually bring their instruments along with them). And we also exchange gift with each other.

When I was younger, I enjoyed Christmas more because I didn't have to worry about responsibilities like I do now. My parents took care of everything, from providing new clothes and shoes to handling all the holiday preparations. But now that I'm an adult, I have to handle those things myself and also take care of them, and it's not as easy .

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I am @mummygo
Your Proud farmercist
Minister of smiles

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