If I am running out of time

Life is a precious gift. We enjoy this gift daily and hope that we can prolong our enjoyment for as long as possible. The date and time when we meet our demise is unknown and out of our control.

If on the contrary, I am told that after 24 hours “the lights are out forever “ – I would probably laugh at first. Then ask the bearer of such bad news,
“Who died and made you God?”
Normally I don’t like surprises, but death sneaking up like a thief in the night would be better than this morbid message. The quote “live everyday as if it is your last day” would definitely have a new meaning. I don't want to be trivial but being lighthearted would be my first approach before reality would set in.

There would be no time for fantasties or fanciful ideas like travelling etc. Luckily, I have had my fair share. The last 24 hours would be lived deliberately. Not like most of life which seems automated - rising and doing the same things, going to the same places and talking with the same people or some new ones about the same things. Now all moments matter.

I already have things in order; a will, financial information shared with my family such as banking details, crypto wallets, password etc. With the practical things already arranged, what would I do realistically?

Death on the doorstep is confronting – I would be saddened and rendered immobile. I would sob unconsolably for hours. I would bawl my eyes out. I would break down and then realize that I am literally wasting time - wasting my 24-hour life. I would pull myself together then go with my family to one of my favourite parks or to the forest. I would ask them to continue to be themselves. Therefore, if someone wanted to cry, to shout or to be quiet, they could feel free to express their emotions.

Thereafter, we would buy a large colourful bouquet with all my favorite flowers. Upon returning home, we would sit together to reminisce about the lovely memories created with them. Thereafter I would play music, sing and dance. I would ask the family to share whatever they would like to say to me. When night falls, I would want to see the stars one last time. We would go outside and watch the heavens, like we've done many times.

I wouldn’t like to spend too much time on the phone. Nevertheless, I would call those dearest to me; namely my parents, my siblings, immediate family of my husband and my 4 closest girlfriends. They would understand that there is no time for rambling or going off on tangents.😄

I’d hope that I would leave my family with some happy memories and that I made a positive impact - especially on my children.

Thereafter, my family and I would hug, kiss and cuddle until the 24th hour elapses.

This is my response to Hive Ghana's prompt - 24 hrs

The photo is my own

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