Just 24 Hours Left To Live, Get Prepared!

Edited on Canva

@luchyl you have 24 hours more to live, go and get prepared!

No one knows when it is their time to transit from this earth, only the Creator knows therefore, we should try to live each day as if it were to be our last.

Although 24hrs may not be enough, I will be grateful that I had the privilege of getting ready before passing away and would focus on the things I feel would be be most important.

First, I will call for my lawyer to review my will and make amendments if necessary, and also prepare a letter of transfer of ownership of all my properties, banks accounts, shares and other things that require authorization to all those who will inherit them.

After that I will spend few hours communing with my Creator. I will seek forgiveness for all my wrong doings and ask for the grace for eternal rest.
I will equally ask Him to touch the hearts of those whom I might have wronged in the past so they pardon me. I will do a memory check of the ones who wronged me that I may not have forgiven, and then do so.

Next, I will deactivate the security pins and finger print sensor in all my devices including those of my bank accounts. Already my next of kin will be aware of all of them including the keys to my Hive wallet and other crypto wallets.

Spending time with my family and close friends will be next thing to do. But before then I would have sent surprise messages requesting to see them urgently at a particular time. Since it's going to be the last time I would be spending time with them, I would make the best out of it. There will be food, drinks and music too because I love music. It will be fun filled. I will eat and dance to my heart fill because "it is that which one eats when alive that he will carry to death"
I would want the last moments spent with them to be memorable.

I know how hard it would be for someone to break the news of their death but I will do it. Of course there will be cries as expected but they have to accept it.
Every other important thing they need to know would also be revealed.

After that we would pray together. I would bid them final goodbye and then go for a little walk to appreciate the beauty of nature. On coming back, I will take a warm bath, dress myself up in the best way I can and then lay down singing the songs of the saints, and waiting for the last tick of time.

If I am able to do all of this, I think it will be a 24 hours well spent and I would be seen as one who had a happy death.

This is my answer to one of the questions in the Hive-Ghana weekly engagement topics. You can view all here

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