Competence is lost on the shelf of interest

made by canva

How are you friends? Hope you all are well dear friends. I am also quite good. We are very familiar with the word humanity or humanity. But these two words seem to be searching for hurricanes these days. Because these words are so dark that it is difficult to find them even with a hurricane. I think I feel like the most humane person in the world. My human is no longer to be found on Earth. Is that true? If not, you will do it.

Friends, every week we try to share at least one general writing with you. So today I came to present another new general post for you. However, I try to highlight some social anomalies in my general writings. I don't know how you like my writings. I will not hesitate to accept comments both good and bad. Because not everyone in the world is wise in all knowledge. Trying to highlight the pains of the mind from just a small knowledge.


As long as my elder brother was alive, whenever he raised any social problem to him, he used to say - "Where to go?" Same everywhere. And you have to walk in the middle of it. True, but now I understand the words of the elder brother. We often hear a saying that changing your perspective will change your life. Is it really true? In fact, if you change yourself, everything will change. No, I don't think so. Now it has become a part of our society. And the people of the society caught in this way have learned to analyze good or bad judgment based on their own interests. Learned how to compromise injustice for self-interest.

Now the chairman of the mosque committee is considering political interests. Only those who are powerful or politically influential get the big chairs in government institutions. Thousands of children are facing the curse of unemployment even if they have educational qualifications just because of not evaluating the qualifications of the qualified people. Nowadays it is not based on educational qualifications but on the power and money of the job. All the people bow down to the interests of a few people and spend day after day in this toxic society. We accept all injustices with a smile just for our own gain.


Thousands of people with knowledge, experience and creativity forget to highlight their own merits when they see that their merits are not only valued by a crowd of sycophants and sycophants. And thousands of such qualified people are sinking into the state of despair just because they are not able to use their talent. There is no one to judge how many worthy people you are neglecting these days by valuing your own interests. I don't even think that anyone else will come. Because people are turning into dumb animals day by day.

Sometimes it seems that the profit achieved such a large degree? Where people with degrees have to surrender to injustice and power. Now it can be seen that the number of people who are only busy with themselves has increased. The reason seems to be the same. Solitude is the greatest medicine where merit is defeated by interest. Because there is no freedom of speech. Where there is punishment for speaking, there is no choice but to remain silent and play the role of a spectator.

To be honest these days our character is becoming selfish. Day by day we forget to evaluate a worthy person for our own sake or for our own interest or to make a little profit. And just like that, merit and worthy people are disappearing silently in the sand of interests. But how long to live with such binoculars? We will not get rid of such a situation? This remains the question for the nation.

It feels really bad when I see a person with complete qualifications does not get any evaluation of his qualifications. It feels very bad, when I see the qualifications are sold for money. I wish humanity to return to them.

This is my own and original article.

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