Life is not always a bed of rose; it is filled with ups and downs. As humans, we naturally don’t like the downsides of life. There are days when we feel like giving up, when we are tired of facing certain problems or getting the same results. On days like these, when willingness to continue or motivation is lacking, we often seek out words or sources of inspiration to keep us going.

Over the years, I have come across many motivational quotes from different people. Some of these words have stayed with me, and helped especially during those times when I’ve felt stuck or unmotivated. I’d like to share a few that have been particularly impactful for me.

In the aspect of laziness, procrastination and resilience

There are days when all I want to do is snack, and watch movies or endlessly scroll through social media—anything but the important tasks I need to tackle. It is easy to fall into the trap of procrastination, especially when motivation is nowhere to be found.

Life, as we know, is full of challenges, and it can often be overwhelming and exhausting. However, perseverance and resilience are one of the key to overcoming these obstacles and achieving success. Here are some quotes that have helped me push through these times:

  • “Don’t count the days, make the days count” - Mohamed Ali

This reminds me not to let him slip away. Instead of watching the days go by, I should make most out of every moment.

  • “Excuses will always be there for you. Opportunity won’t.”

One can always make excuses but regardless of how much excuses you make, the time and opportunity is always fleet. I shouldn’t keep making excuses while the time and opportunities keep passing by.

  • “Each dream you leave behind is a part of your future that will no longer exist” -Steve jobs

Our actions today shapes our future, whether we pursue our dreams or abandon them, our choices will define what our future holds.

  • “The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately”

Everyone can afford to have a dream but not everyone can afford the hustle. This quote a reminder that hard work is what turns dreams into reality.

  • “A winner is just a loser who tried one more time”

Perfection isn’t necessary; persistence is. The difference only between a winner and a loser is that the winner didn’t give up.

These are some of the quotes that have not only pumped me out of laziness but have also helped during tough times.

In the aspect of self-improvement and personal growth.

I used to be that compare myself to others my age, and often than not, it led to the feeling of self-disapproval, low motivation, and a lack of confidence. Over time, I’ve come across some quotes that shifted my perspective and helped me focus on self-improvement:

  • “Compare yourself to who you were yesterday. Not to who someone else is today” -Jordan Peterson

This encourages self-reflection and measuring progress by own achievements. It helps maintain a healthy self-image and keeps you motivated on your personal journey.

  • “The Goal is not to be better than the other man. But to be better than your previous self”

This also reinforces the idea that self-improvement is the key to success. By focusing on becoming a better version of yourself, you set the stage for continuous growth that leads to a more meaningful results.

In a nutshell, motivation quotes often provide the spark that pushes us toward sucess, but I’ve found that the real motivation comes from within. It is about turning these words of motivation into actionable steps that create meaningful change in your life.

What are some of your favourite motivational quotes? Feel free to share them in the comments—I’d love to hear what inspires you!

All images are mine. Thumbnail designed using Canva.

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