I and self-love


Self-love means accepting and appreciating yourself just as you are. It's like being your own best friend, treating yourself with kindness, and recognizing your worth. When you love yourself, you feel happier and more confident. It's important because when you're full of love for yourself, you can give more love to others. Just like how a full cup can overflow, when you're full of self-love, you can share that love with those around you. It's like filling your heart with warmth and positivity, which radiates out to everyone you meet. So, embracing self-love is like giving yourself the gift of happiness and spreading that joy to others

Like I've said countless times, I used to hate myself, which stemmed from bullies in secondary school due to the fact that I'm very light-skinned and slim, coupled with a big head. This kind of body isn't common, especially considering the prevailing dark complexion preference in Africa. I was bullied enough, likened to many hill people and called names. I wished I had dark skin and a fleshier physique like the people around me, but no, it was what my creator endowed me with.

That mindset changed when I gained admission to higher education. Instead of facing bullying, I met people who wished they had my kind of skin, especially ladies, which opened my eyes to see the goodness in me. Ever since then, I began to love every part of myself, especially my shiny complexion. The insecurities from my bullying days naturally dissipated, and whenever I try to dwell on whether I'm still slim or big-headed, I don't see those flaws anymore. Infact I classify as among the people that are rated every lady's dream guy. Lol😂

Having the feeling that I'm perfectly okay in appearance gives me massive joy and love.

Apart from embracing love for my appearance, another method I used to foster self-love is celebrating my little wins.

Things are really tough currently; when you think you're the one with the biggest problem, listening to others' stories makes you realize you have every reason to thank God and appreciate the little wins.
Two days ago, I met someone from my home village, and as we talked, he poured out all his life problems. This guy, in his late 30s, currently begs to feed himself. How bad is that? According to him, he doesn't have anything at all, not even a job that earns him $0.0001 daily.

You see, in this life, there are many people out there begging just to survive a day, while some of us are providing for our own food without resorting to begging. Remembering how I'm coping every day, not begging for food or calling home for assistance, fills me with immense love, knowing that I'm trying and better off than some people out there. I know I'm not where I'm supposed to be right now, but come on, my small stature body is trying so well to live life.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to Hiveghana prompt of the week

| Images are mine|

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