Pushing Boredom off the Table.


Boring days are always the worst days to face. I don't enjoy being bored in anything I do and I'm quite lucky on that front because most of the things I do each day don't even give me the luxury of being bored. However, there are still moments when a minute feels like 10 minutes and 5 minutes feel like 50.

Those are moments I look at my time and beg it to fly, but it crawls instead. I don't enjoy that feeling and I especially don't enjoy it when I'm getting that bored by something someone is saying in a conversation, seminar or something of that nature. It makes me feel like spending an extra minute in that place would melt my brain.

I've learned that being in a place that makes me bored isn't good for me and I've had to turn my back on places like that. The same thing goes for getting involved with activities I find boring. Once I notice that about any event, I usually bid farewell to it and channel my energy to other stuff.

How I deal with Boredom.

I Take Up Challenging Tasks: When I'm bored and it turns out that the boredom is due to a work routine which I've maintained for a while, I try to get out of that boredom by taking up a different sort of challenge. I try a work that I'm not very accustomed to. Something that will force me to think while on my feet. Workout also does its magic and I burn myself out with that when I'm bored.

I Clean Up: This works well for me. If I'm bored when I'm indoors, I casually look around to see if there is any cleaning I can do. Things like general house cleaning, washing of my bedsheet and pillow case, washing of my towel, cleaning of my window... Those kinda stuff. When I sweat it out doing those things, I go take a cold bath, drink LD water afterwards and I will be back to OK.

I Get Myself Entertained: The list of things I do to keep myself entertained is nos not. However, the few I do always get the job done in ways that are beyond mere entertainment. I'm big on TV shows especially those that are made in Korea. I also keep myself entertained with football.

I said before that I don't usually get bored and I make no bones about that. I've taken a lot of time to learn about myself and from what I know, the things I do each day have no chance of getting me bored. I have a very concise goal that I'm pursuing with each breath I take and I also have a few interesting hobbies that keep me going. These things beg for a piece of me each day.

I haven't been bored for a while.

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