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It is indeed a privilege to be in the Hive Block chain, meet new people, get exposed to ideas and thoughts at ease. It's been about two weeks. At first, I was developing cold feet until recently. The reason why I started to develop cold feet was simply because it was hard for me to navigate my way through the platform.

  1. Registration Process
  2. My Introduction Post
  3. Subsequent Posts and Community Challenges
  4. Referrals

With regard to Registration process, It is not easy for one to navigate through a successful Registration to Hive alone. When I was referred to by @rachaell, I couldn't find my through the registration process. I tried to search for an online guide to no avail. It was with the combine efforts of @rachaell and @dwixer that my Registration became a success. I understand that cybersecurity is at its climax everywhere today. I won't suggest that the security checks and the nature of Registration process be relaxed, rather I will suggest that a template or format of step-by-step guide with graphic representations to enable new users navigate through the Registration process.

With regard to issue two, I made my introductory post on my blog instead of on a most preferred community and as a result, the views I got from that post was so small and minimal. If perhaps I made the post with the right orientation, it would have been perfect.

Thirdly, other posts. I must say that it is a wonderful time in Hive. And I am learning daily how to maximize the opportunity. Even though we must learn many things from Hive, I feel that there is need for there to be a step-by-step guide for all activities and functions in the Hive. That way, we the users can use it effectively.

Furthermore, it is the issue of referral. I am yet to really understand how the referral works and I have made a few attempts to no avail. I hope to contact my guardians @rachaell and @ dwixer for guide on referral because this is another way to optimize the Hive.

The reason I do not know about them is because I have not yet used them or come across them yet. But I believe with the provision of a step-by-step guide for many functions in the Hive, it will go a long way to enhance usage of Hive.

Finally, I want to commend the amazing people I am meeting at Hive especially @rachaell and @dwixer. They have been amazing, patiently guiding me through each and every step of my journey at Hive. I am really grateful.
More so, it is a wonderful ride as I get to read a lot of thoughts and ideas from many. It is inspiring, enlightening and peaceful.

This is a reply to Community Contest on @Hiveghana

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