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Some studying tips for students.

As someone who has passed through primary and secondary school and is now in the university, I’ve experienced various challenges regarding my studies. I’d like to share some effective study habits I’ve picked up along the way.

First, I wasn’t fond of reading at night because I would often dose off quickly and not wake up until morning. However, since I got into university, I’ve found myself reading at midnight mostly during exam periods. This leads me to one study habit I highly recommend: read every day or immediately after each topic. Doing this wil help you stay on top of your notes, and when exam time comes, you won’t be finding it hard to cover up your notes then you have to burn the midnight candle, as I used to do.

Another key habit is knowing the best time for you to study. Some people can read and understand quickly at any time of day, while others may perform better in the morning, afternoon, or night. Figure out which time works best for you and make the most of it during your study sessions.

When you study, focus completely on the reading material. I know life can be distracting—you maybe going through something personal, like a breakup with your partner —but during study time, try to block out those distractions and give your books 100% focus and nothing less. Don't worry everything else will fall into place later.

Next, find the right study environment that suits you. For me, I can read even in a noisy environment as long as I have my pen and paper to jot things down.

I don’t enjoy reading in quiet places because they make me feel bored and tired of reading easily. But that’s just me; you may prefer a completely silent environment like 'a quiet place'.

The point is just for you to know where you study best—whether it's in a lively or in a very cool and calm place without noise—and use it to your advantage.

One crucial lesson I’ve learned in the university is to balance your attention across all your courses.i believe It’s better for you to score Bs in all your courses than to get As in some and fail others. I learned this the hard way. In my second year, I neglected one course and focused more on the others. I ended up failing that course, and even though I passed the rest, I wasn’t happy with my results because I had a carryover and had to retake it the following year.

Finally, put your pride aside and ask for help when you need it. I struggled with mathematics in my secondary school but i didn’t want to admit it, so I avoided asking for help. During exams, I’d scramble to understand concepts at the last minute, asking my friends for help when it was already too late. By then, they were also busy with their own studies and most times i end up getting a poor mark in exams.

If I had seeked for help earlier on, I could have avoided failing the course.

Find the bookworms or geniuses in your class, and make friends with them as that would even help you more in your studies "if you work with the wise, you'll become wise". It’s okay to admit you need help, and working on your weaknesses earlier on will benefit you greatly.

By adopting these habits, you’ll set yourself up for success in your studies. Remember, it's not about being perfect, but about improving day by day. Stay consistent, stay focused, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Your future self will thank you."

image was gotten through meta Ai