It's my birthday

I took a walk down my memory lane, I remember how desperate I was to grow older and make money like I see all adults do while i was a kid and i already planned what i was going to buy. I celebrated each birthday with Joy, I’d cry and beg my grandma to bake a cake for me because she was very good at it. When I clocked 16 my wish came to pass, my grandma baked a cake for me, though I partially paid for it and I took some pictures with a big smile on my face all through. I offered to pay the photographer since I have some money saved for that purpose but the photographer who was my uncle refused to collect any form of payment and till now, i haven't received till pictures from him πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

Birthdays that I always anticipate for yearly gradually becames something I began to dislike. I hate birthdays and also adulthood sucks and as I’m getting older i started hating the word birthday for it reminds me of what I'm not and how fast I'm growing up without achieving all my dreams i had as a kid. While the whole family smile and pray for me and while my siblings, friends and even teachers send gifts to me and some come over to my house to celebrate with me. Most times I’ll just have a big fake smile on my face as usual, but this time around it’s was built in with fears. I was scared of what the future holds for me . I was scared of growing into a full adult without having everything I needed. Gradually, my birthdays are become more worrying and filled with anxiety and it's becoming unbearable for me as time goes on.

I finished my college at an early age and that's when I began to kntge true essence of life itself. I saw the way things are moving so fast and what so many people are doing or have achieved at such a tender age and I'm still yet to know what my plan was until i decided to go back to what i do best which is fashion design. But before then the worries became more intensified and all I think of every day is "when will i sort myself out of all this without seeking help from my parents".

Even while i try to avoid my parents, I still found comfort and peace in the word of advice from my grandma because she's all i have at those cruscial moments of my life and the reassuring hug from her meant a lot to me and that was what I needed at that time. Gradually i realized that I worry too much for my age and i decided to start making little improvement because little steps matter in growth and development for an individual and taht was what i started doing when i celebrated my 21st birthday.

Now I'm 25 and it’s another birthday and i am a year older today and this year instead of sitting at home and waiting for everyone to come over to celebrate with me at my parents house, i now have a place i call my personal house and i am gradually living the life i had olanned for myself and though, I'm not there yet but I'm happy about the improvement i have made so far in my life

I have seen myself doing amazing stuffs and most especially in my fashion design journey, it's been a great journey. Moved from one level to another with more customers and also having massive deals with really rich people though but that isn't the major point, the various certificates programmes and experience gained in the field is something I hold valuable. Got some support from so many great friends who were there for me when I needed them and also to my grandma that made me to start believing in myself at the beginning of this journey, i really love y'all πŸ’—

I hope and pray I improve in various places where I'm lacking, get better in areas where I'm good and be the best version of myself in all ramifications of life. Happy birthday to me and hopefully more birthdays to be celebrated.

Thanks for Reading πŸŽπŸŽˆπŸŽ‰βœ¨βœ¨πŸ©·πŸ©·

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