HiveGhana weekly engagement - Wk 15 - My Apollo double experience


Truly, be careful of what you joke about or wish for.

I never knew that the second experience of Apollo can be very scary like this.

I was deceived by the saying that Apollo happens to someone once.

Here is my story

Some years ago when I was very little, I think I was 6-8years then.
We were at home because it was holiday period.

My brother came back with Apollo, we were kids, so we played together.
The next day I got it and the pains and disturbance wasn't a joke.
In no time, almost every member of the family got infected with it, except my mom.
Her immune system is high, and she did a good job protecting herself.

We could line up to take morning urine and eye drops administrated by my father, still being strong with the Apollo.

After much treatment, it was cured and everybody was free again.

During my secondary school days, the spread of Apollo came.

The teachers feared it to the extent that anybody found with it was sent home for treatment.

I and my friends in the hostel watched people pack their bags to travel home.

The hostel started becoming smaller with junior students, and this means more work and punishment for us the junior ones increased.

One day, we overheard two junior sisters planning on how to pretend to have Apollo, so they could be sent back home.

My friends and I queued in to plan ours too.
We were determined not to be the only junior students left in the hostel.

We waited for the teachers to come for the hostel check.

Then we started the mission by closing our eyes strongly for hours, then on opening the eyes apply Robb immediately.

Robb is an ointment used for effective relief from mild muscular aches and pains, nasal congestion and catarrh.

Our eyes looked like someone that newly has Apollo.
The teachers looked at us and quickly signed our exit card.

Then we rejoiced and went back home.
Not knowing, we already contacted Apollo.
I got home to face treating Apollo, the fake turned real.

And this time around much worst than the first one.

My stay at home wasn't enjoyed.

Thank you very much for reading.

Hello friends.
This is my participation in HiveGhana weekly engagement wk 15 with exciting topics.

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