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2023 was a year that has both good and bad season for me, 2023 carried an exceptional memory for me, one I don't think I can ever forget in my entire life.

My first exceptional memory from 2023 was the loss of my sister. Over the years of my life, I've seen people die, I've lost 3 cousins, I've lost an aunt, I've lost my grandmothers (both paternal and maternal), I've lost a close classmate and even valuable items. I can remember once in 2012 when I was going to spend a mid-term break at one of my Aunt's house, I forgot a pair of shoe that I love so much in the bus that drove us to my aunt's place, I cried seriously after searching and getting to know that I cannot get the shoe back, funny enough the shoe was no longer my size but I just couldn't let it go, I was so pained.

The pain is nothing compared to what I felt when my sister died, I cried in a way that if tears could bring her back I would have leftover tears to spare for another person, I cried to the point that my head ached. I frequently hear people say that when you cry, it relives the burden in your heart but it wasn't so. I just had to be strong for my mom and my junior siblings and so I don't get sick but even to this very moment I still can't believe she's no more. I didn't just lose a sister but I lost a friend, playmate, gist partner and an advicer, her death is a proof that MONEY CANNOT BUT LIFE. I pray her soul rest in perfect peace.

Second memory from 2023 will be ANNUAL PRAISE FESTIVAL.
I attend Redeemed Christian Church of God, praise festival is a program that is organized by our provincial headquarter at the beginning of every church year. It's like a thanksgiving service in which every zone under the province will present a song with the given theme and at the end of the program, there will be a general praise concert where you get to dance and praise God in your style.

On the particular day I was supposed to attend the program, there was other program outlined for me at our parish and our zonal level which made the day very occupied and interesting. It was as if I would not attend the program anymore because we closed late from other programs and when I was about to go for the praise festival it's rained heavily. I was determined to go not even the rain could stop me, luckily I got to the church before my zone presented and before the general praise concert. I really felt the presence of God and I was so excited that I didn't miss the program because it would have been next year (2024) before I get to attend again.

I completed my secondary school in the year 2018 and I wrote the West African Certificate Examination (WAEC) then but I didn't clear all the papers cause I got E8 in chemistry. It's not a pass mark for the course I wish to study which means I will have to rewrite the exam. Since 2018 I didn't write the exam because after my graduation I went for computer training and immediately after my training I started working. My focus was to earn money so when I start the university, I'll have some money to pay my bills. I noticed I was just working but couldn't save enough for what I needed, mom was I'll so I had to contribute for her treatment too. January 2023, I got a call from my vice principal who is now a principal that I should come to the school with #30,000 for registration that the government had opened the cass for 3 days (registration had ended).
I didn't have up to #30,000 because that was when my sister's illness started, I only had #5,000 which was gifted to me the day before (My birthday), I went to the school to see her, I explained to her and she registered me to complete the fees by the end of the month. Luckily for me, a teacher called me and told that the principal has cleared all the fee I needed for the exam and all I had to do was to read and prepare, the exam was smooth for me because of her influence even though she didn't say anything.

A letter came from WAEC office to my teacher that my passport was missing, the letter got missing before it got to me and the deadline was almost due. Luckily for me, the teacher found it and I resnapped then it was delivered, the results for my school was held and I was bothered because alot had been sacrificed for it and I heard that when results are being held they won't come out well when released. Fortunately it was released after 3 months and my WAEC results was all good.

2023 was not really bad after all.

Thanks for reading.