What I Would Grab First In A Natural Disasters

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Compliment of the season friends. Still in the celebration season, here is another weekly prompt of the @hive-ghana weekly prompt. Do well to join here.

If you have been in a scene we're a natural disaster is happening or has happened you will know that it's not a good experience to behold. Many people have lost their lives and even properties due to this. Water and fire disaster are so powerful but fire disasters seem to be the most dangerous.
I have experience flood disaster before and that was the scariest day of my life. Trying to pass into dry land, I got into water close to my chest region. After the flood dried up over 50% or more of my properties were all damaged. I really pity for those who didn't have were to run to during those Period.


In a scenario where there are human beings inside the house, it is important to call for help and save them and when there are just you and your belongings it is important to pick what is first important to take away.
If this happens the first thing I will grab is my school certificate. All my original documents from my primary 6 certificate to my highschool and college are kept in a place in a file.If this happens I will first grab it. True that they can be recoverable but this will be very hard and will cost me a lot of money, so I wouldn't hesitate to pick that first.
I will also grab my award I have received in school because they are also important to me.

Secondly, I will pick my Smartphone and PC. Yeah they are important to me. They can replace buying them back will cause me more with the current dollar price. I did buy them and things were a bit easier. Also my phone carries a lot of information and much of my savings are kept in my crypto wallet.

Lastly I will go for our television. This is easy to carry and won't pull me. I will immediately pull all I have mentioned at once.
In cases like this it is important to take away lighter objects especially if it's a severe case like a fire outbreak.
I really don't care about my clothes because they are cheaper to buy and I can wear my siblings or friend's own till I replace mine.

Compliment of the season 🎄

Thank you for reading

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