Tolerance is important in business

Hello everyone and happy new month. I hope your day is good because mine is going on well. Am happy participating in this week contest.

As someone that is into business we interact with staff and customers and our customers are people you don't really know or you may just know them formerly so different people with different characters coming in and out of the shop need to be handled with care to maintain them.

Why is tolerant important in business:
Tolerance is the ability to accept, endure, or even tolerate other people's behaviors values, religion and more.

In the world of business tolerance is needed even though some times the situation might look like your tolerance level has reduced to 5% or even less.

The phase customers are always right will humble you to be tolerance so as not to lose your customers. Most people will leave their home with negative energy and transfer it to the person they are doing business with, example is if you are selling and your customers comes in with a negative energy, transfer it to the person attending to him or her it's takes a strong mind to cope with them.

The customers will always feel more valued and accepted when you are able to tolerate them during your business transactions with them. This will make them come back to do business transactions with you rather than going elsewhere.

In a workplace where we have different workers with different characters and from different back ground and region tolerance is important to keep a healthy productive relationship within the workers.


Imagine on a beautiful Monday morning you came to your office and your colleague provoke you if you stay angry with her or him for a long time it means the today is ruined because you will transfer negative energy to other people especially the client or customers.
This will also reduce the productivity for the day because some customers may leave with out getting what the wanted and some Client might turn down an important contract or arrangement that was earlier discussed base on the bad attitude .

Having tolerance also apply to the relationship between your staff in the office.


There are some staff that are stubborn or not very active in some aspects in the office but their positive aspects is profitable to the company or organizations. So having the ability to tolerate them and manage their weakness can bring much productivity to the company.
Thank you.

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