Showing Appreciation; Its Impact On Me.

I realized earlier in life nobody owes me anything and when a person chooses to help, such a person deserves to be appreciated. Seeking for help is one of the most difficult things to do for me because I hate being rejected so whenever I dare to ask and I get it, I always feel grateful. Showing appreciation or being appreciative is a good habit and I am glad it was inculcated in me while growing up.

My Image

At my last place of work, I got to the office one morning and requested an umbrella for personal use alongside two of my colleagues due to the consistent rain that year. We got to the man's office and he gave us a note for it according to the company's protocol. We got the Umbrella and while returning from the store, I suggested that we go and say thank you to him but my colleagues turned the idea down.

"It's our right to have things like this so why say thank you?" one of my colleagues replied and the other supported.

We walked past the man's office and my conscience wasn't in agreement to that so I went to say thank you alone and honestly, he wasn't expecting any one of us.

"George, it's no big deal and I am happy. People complained about the umbrella so when I go to the headquarters, I will get you a raincoat which should serve better," That was his response that day.

I got the raincoat and when my colleagues saw it, they wanted the same but none of them could ask because they didn't show appreciation for the last help he rendered and he could have turned them down.

Benefits Of Showing Appreciation

  1. I love to help and when people tell me thank you, it makes me feel happy because it's proof that I have done a good thing. It improves my mood and helps my mental health. I always want whoever helped me to know this same feeling and they always do because my appreciation always comes from the deepest part of my heart.

  2. Showing appreciation always opens doors to bigger blessings and opportunities just like it did for me many times. I do not go about thanking people because I want them to help me again, this thing just happens naturally. When the person who helped loves the feeling that comes with you appreciating them, they automatically want to help more.

  3. Not showing appreciation puts me in a tight corner because my conscience wouldn't just let me be. It has been a habit for a long time and I love the feeling that comes with showing appreciation, it has a huge impact on my mental wellness too.

You might say, "Just for Umbrella" but help is help regardless of what was done for you because those who have helped you could have said no plus I was taught to appreciate the smallest help.

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