My Favorite day | A Day OF Simple Joys And Relaxation


Sincerely speaking, everyone has their own favorite day. My own favorite day is on Sunday. I work in a company where Monday to Saturday are our work days, and throughout each days of these week, I'm always busy with the calculation of goods, attending to different customers through phone calls, and taking stock of goods. When Sunday come along, all of these change.

Aside from festive period, Sunday looks like the only day of the week, that I always got enough time to rest and spend quality time with my family. As you all know, Family is the most important things to me, and spending time with them is one thing that I cherish a lot. Spending time with my family always make me stay happy, reduce stress, stay healthy and improve my mindset throughout the working days.

On Sunday, I always wake up around 8am to 9am in the morning. Before I fully wake up, I always notice early in the morning, my husband always open the window to allow cool breeze to entered through the window, and also for me to hear the tune of birds whistle around the house.

Whenever, I finally wake up, sometimes my husband would have do the cooking and this time I always pretend to be angry with him for not waking me up, to cook for him. However, he's someone that believes in couples helping each other, so he doesn't see anything wrong in helping me do the cooking. At time, he mostly do that to make Sunday a special one for me.

However, Sunday is also a day, that I always get the time to take a comfortable bath, unlike every other day. After freshening up and out of my bed, I always treat myself to breakfast then spend the remaining of the days with my family watching TV, playing games on phone, and watch football matches together. Sometimes, we also go out together to the market or take a visit to a mall. Those quality time spent with my family means a lot to me.

In addition, Sunday evening is another time of the day, that I love so much because knowing that the next day is Monday, the beginning of another working day, I always feel happy and excited. Although, Monday is a time of the day that some people hate, but it's for me to enjoy the day. So every Sunday evening is for me to prepared myself for the next day by doing a little clean up, organized my cupboard, arrange my clothes, arrange the rooms, and go to bed early.

However, for me to enjoyed my Sunday to the fullest, I always do away with my office phone and laptop. Because on Sunday nothing is more important to me than taking enough rest and spending time with my family.

This is my reply to the question asked by @Hiveghana on What’s is your favorite day of the week and why.

Thanks for your time on my blog.

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