My Beautiful Memories Of Christmas

Christmas is always a time where we normally feel some warmth wrapped around us, and this is not just from cozy cozy blankets but it's the embrace of love from family members and from the aroma of delicious dishes. Among the thousands of memories that this period usually brings, the one that I cherished the most is the tantalizing food and the bond and reunion with my loved ones.


The heart of all the memory collection is just around the culinary magic that happens in the kitchen. This period is always a time where everyone will eat till overflow, and this food is the same we do eat on a daily basis but there's is something special about Christmas. Each meal prepared during this season is not just packed with flavor but generates happiness and builds traditions. Someone like me really likes good food, not just food but good food. I will eat and enjoy myself and will be very happy.

Another wonderful memory is that Christmas builds unity, in my family there are some of us who are far away from each other, some won't even see each other for a whole year , so it's during Christmas that everyone from far and near will come together for holiday. During this time we all will sit in a big dining table to eat together, we normally do kill goat as a family and everyone will have a good portion of the meat to eat, not just the meat but different kind of meal from rice and stew to pounded yam, to eba and soup to fried rice and salad all this is accompanied by soft drinks 😋😋😋.

Above all this it wasn't just about the good food that made my favorite Christmas memory but the togetherness and cherished faces surrounding our family dining table. The laughter and happiness on people's faces was a Lovely moment for me as a person. Listening to stories and some genuine conversation really gladdens my heart. For me Christmas is not just a date, it's a special feeling inside, the warmness and comfort brought by the presence of my loved ones.

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