The skill I learnt.

Hello guys, welcome to my blog and I am happy to be here today at this contest, I am @edwincj, and I am glad to see another week. This week I am going to talk on one of the topic which was given to us this week which is "That one skill". Apart from blogging, everyone is supposed to have one or two skill that you can use yo survive on a normal basis.

As I said earlier, everyone is supposed to have a special skill that he or she can survive on daily apart from blogging. As for me, that special skill is Barbing which is also known as hair cut ( some people also call it shaving), it is a skill that is used to design, trim, and shape hairs into the way you desire. I learnt how to barb in a saloon where I was taught the essential things I need to know about hair cutting, and I can survive with it. It is very unique and exceptional, and I love the skill with my heart.



I started learning hair cut since 2022, and I had to put all my effort and practice to it hoping to learn fast and easy, but even though the learning wasn't fast, I still am grateful and proud to say I've learnt how to barb to a very good extend of receiving recommendations. I even went to the extend of buying my own rechargeable and quality clipper, which has helped me throughout my learning because its easy to use and fast.

After learning this skill, I began to understand the reason why its good to learn at least one hand work or skill, because its very difficult to say that as a barber, you didn't barb one person a day, it also becomes a source of income to you.

In summary, I would advice you all to learn any hand work or skill that you can earn from, and as for me, I've learnt hair cutting and its really helping me on daily basis. Thanks for stopping by and thanks to everyone who participated in the hive Ghana contest, and I still remain my humble self @edwincj. See you all next time and have a wonderful week.

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