What Would You Grab First in a Crisis: My School Credentials, phone and laptop.

Hello everyone,
Pleasure to me here. Wishing you all a beautiful festive season. Trust this season is going smoothly.


When we are faced with a crisis, we are presented with a confused situation to make choices. Many times when situations like this happen we tend to be more confused about what to pick and what not to consider first, sometimes we end up picking the less valuable things first before going for the important one and may end up losing them. The dilemma of choosing what to pick first in a moment of crisis shows what we hold as important in our lives, this depends on individuals for some it may be their caget, some clothes and other valuable things. For my school credentials hold an important place in my heart and I won't trade them for anything, when I mean anything I mean it, I have suffered so much to own them and can't trade them.

You may be wondering why I place so much value on my credentials. For me I have come to believe that education is the bedrock for one's personal growth and also the cornerstone for professional success. All the proof of what I have passed through are documented in those credentials. From my first year in School to my level now it has been recorded in those documents, so losing them will be a great loss for me. I don't know how long it would take me to get them back. These credentials show the milestone, perseverance and dedication I have put in my academic pursuit.

Beyond the suffering I went through, a school certificate holds a practical significance in gaining employment, your certificate serves as a path to secure some opportunities. If you want to secure a job in a country, your certificate is one of the credentials to present that will qualify you for the job. Losing these documents will have been a big challenge to gain them back, it may take me ages to gain them back.

Another thing I would grab if such situations occurs is my phone and laptop.there are a lot of informations I have store in my phone and my laptop though some are linked to my email but some may be difficult to get back, including my hive private keys are been stored in my email so I can't imagine what my life would be if I lost my gadget.

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