Everyday Tech Can Change Everything

Have you ever seen someone do something amazing and thought, "How on earth is the person able to do all that? Have you ever scrolled through social media, feeling very inspired after watching someone create something incredible? Sometimes you keep wondering about what you could also possibly do with your own skills. This happened to me recently after watching a mind-blowing videos of a guy crafting stunning video ads with nothing but just his smartphones. You may check his page on Tiktok here, he will blow your mind with his creative work.


Seriously, this He is not just talented but he is so good with his mobile device and creative skills in making the magic happens. After watching him for a while I began to ponder if am I truly squeezing every ounce of potential out of all the tech gadgets I already own? What about those skills I have which I could possibly combine with my tech gadgets to make lots of things happen ?

Now, I'm not saying I'm going to become an overnight video whiz like this guy, but it did sparked a question: Is there more I could do than I have done already? The truth is, there are many people out there with the potential to totally transform their lives, but they just haven't quite figured out how yet. This is why I always say knowledge is the best form of empowerment a anyone could receive; It opens your eyes to hidden skills you never knew you possessed.

Watching inspiring contents, researching, and listening to valuable information can always equip you with the know-how's, to crack open a treasure chest of skills you never knew you possessed. Here is also another truth: Lots people have the right tools that have the potential to completely transform their lives, but they haven't discovered their true secret power yet. For instance, many do not know that their smartphones can do way more than just chatting, making calls, taking picture and vidoes.

These small gadgets we carry around in our hands could become a gateway to creating stunning graphics, compose music on the go, edit them like pro with a few taps and swipes. The internet connection we use on daily basis is another tool many people haven't yet realised as the launchpad to a whole new career, a side hustle, or simply a way to connect with a global community to share about their skills.

There are those with powerful cameras that can be used to capture stunning photos and create professional looking vidoes, laptops with great specs to have simple editing video apps and those with access to platforms where people share wealth of information. Having knowledge about these tools and combining them with the skills you already have can tranform your life.

Sometimes just a simple app is all you need. Imagine having a budget tracker or app on your phone. It could be your key to unlocking better financial management and achieving your savings goals. For those into blogging, that voice recording app which is default on most phone could come handy to record your ideas which can later be transcribed to text. These days, there are lots AI's can assist in converting voice into video if making video seems a hardwork.

The possibilities are truly endless. I guess there is so much we can do with the use any skill we have. Thanks to technology and its diverse tools. Living in our tech world today require some kind of curiosity and exploration to discover many possibilities. The best part is that most times, there is already everything we need to get started. The tools are right there, waiting for you to give you that creative spark you need to shine.

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