Wk35 Engagement- Love or Money?


Marriage is not a bed of roses. So before going into such a union, one needs to be careful and consider so many factors. As for me, love and money is necessary in marriage. According to the holy book, love covers all kinds of errors. So, when their is such love in a marriage, the couple's will enjoy their union. Remember, it's not love based on sexual feelings, it's agape love. A love from the heart. When a man loves his wife, he will treat her with so much love and respect. He won't cheat on her and will always treat her like his own body.

In a loving home, the wife respects her husband and cherishes all his efforts and care. Remember, if their is no love in a marriage, non of the couple's will enjoy their marriage even if their is so much money, because money can't buy love. But when their is love, the couples can manage themselves even with the little they have. No wonder the holy book says is better to eat only vegetables with love than eating meat with quarrel. So, love should be the number one aspect of marriage.

I have seen so many ladies complaining of their husbands giving them huge amount of money but doesn't spend time with them. Tell me, what's the ecence of the money? Some don't enjoy their husbands wealth too. Why are all these happening? Lack of love. Some men are afraid of returning home after work due to the kind of a wife they have at home. So, couples should build such a love that they long to see each other. Because if they build such love, nothing can separate them. It's only when their is love that couples can care for each other. It doesn't matter if their is money or not. With love, they can be content with what they have.

Money should be another factor in marriage. Yes, money gives joy, it brings happiness. When you receive alert in your bank account how do you feel friends? Happy right? Sure. So, how do you think a man will feel if he is not able to fulfill his duty as the family head due to lack of money? Bad right? Sure. That's why money is needed in a marriage. A caring man might look not caring because he doesn't have money to care for his family needs. It's only an understanding woman will reason with him.

Personally each time that i doesn't have money, i do feel bad because money is needed in our everyday leaving. Money is very important in the marriage because without money, one day, they best couples might fight due to lack of money. More especially when the man can't afford to care for his wife's need. Women look up to their husbands for their needs, some do cheat on their husbands when he can't provide for her. That means, if the husband was able to care for her needs, she won't go outside. So, Love and money is very important in a marriage. When their is these two basic things, other things can be put in place easily.

*Money answeret all things says the holy book

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