Sometimes I wonder if she is human

A relationship is lovely, fun, and filled with happiness when you are with the right person.


The right person is someone who loves you for who you are, who loves your flaws, and who sees perfection in your imperfections, It is rare to see such people, everywhere is full of users, people who are in a relationship for their own selfish benefits.

Do not let anyone use your head or play with your heart, There is what we call Instinct and most time it is never wrong especially when it comes to someone you love, Whenever your instinct tells you someone doesn't love you or your partner is cheating on you, do not ignore it because most time our gut is always right.

Some people know the truth but they keep hoping their partner will change, so they remain in the toxic relationship hoping for a miracle but the fact is that it will only get worse, patience won't make someone who doesn't love you start loving you, their heart is somewhere else and you will only be disrespected for sticking around with them.

I feel blessed with my partner and it felt like yesterday when fate brought us together.


I won't call it love at first sight but I was attracted to her the first time I saw a video of her on a friend's WhatsApp status and I shoot my shot by asking her to connect us, luckily for me, she likes me too and that was how we became friends, we spent weeks trying to know each other better through calls and messages, the late night chat and calls were sweet memories, I get to know about her likes and dislikes, she was my kind of girl and I was the kind of man she wants, we were already vibing as lovers before I proposed to her so without wasting any more time, I asked her out and she accepted and that was the beginning of our love life.

I am the kind of person who loves my privacy and doesn't like to be around people that much, I like being alone and I thought I wouldn't like to have her around that much but I was wrong, I love her presence and want to see and be with her all the time, she completes me

She reminds me of my mother when I was young, those days without worries because I knew my mum was always there to help me out, She has taken that spot, no more worries about what I am going to eat, she is in charge and also takeS care of all other things, all I just do now is eat, go to school, work, play with her and sleep... PERFECTO

She is loyal[my favorite of all virtues], respectful, caring, protective, supportive, helpful, communicative[with me], cheerful, loving, and also lovable that sometimes I wonder if she is Human.

She has her flaws too, it is that thing we call mood swing, so one morning I woke up planning to make my entry for the hive learners prompt and I needed to use my image, I checked on her on the bed and realized her eyes are opened, so I called her to come and snap me which she did but I realized she started misbehaving after that, she didn't talk to me, and when she finished cooking also, she served our food in a different dish and we normally eat together so I know something was wrong but I didn't want to be too fast forward, I act like it is nothing, so somehow I had a reason to call on her and she was like I should not talk to her, I drew her closer to me and ask her what happened because I can't think of anything I did wrong.

That was when she said I offended her, I disturbed her sleep in the morning, that I woke her up to snap me, no good morning or anything, I was shocked because her accusations were funny, her eyes were wide opened when I called her to come and snap me, I had to apologize to her for disturbing her sleep lol.

This is the kind of partner we all deserve, someone who makes us feel loved, someone we can trust with our heart knowing they will care for it like their own. the moment you start doubting the love your partner has for you is the moment you need to figure out the truth or take a walk.!


How do you know if your partner loves you

Love your presence: Someone who loves you will always want to be around you, they will prefer spending time with you than with their friends, so if your girlfriend spends more time with her friends and you have to drag and beg before seeing her, just know you are alone in the relationship.

Communicative: Don't be fooled by the statement she doesn't know how to chat and that is why she doesn't chat with you much, there is no girl that doesn't know how to chat, so if your partner is not communicating well with you, just know someone else has their attention, ladies and gossip are 5 and 6 and the best person they love to gossip with is who they love, if she loves you, she will always tell you about those guys asking her out and other interesting things happening in her life.

Always happy around you: She will always be happy around you, trying new things with you and she will even find your boring jokes amusing, but if she is always aggressive and harsh to you, or always displeased at you, she may just be using you to pass away time and waiting for her Mr. Right.

Satisfied with what you offer: A partner that loves and sees the future with you won't overbill you, she will be pleased with whatever you get for her and won't ask for things that will inconvenient you, People call them understanding girlfriend and trust me if you have such a partner, she deserves everything when you finally become who you want to be in life. If she is always asking for this and asking for that and the moment you are unable to fulfill her demands, she starts giving you attitude, my man walk away!*

Being with the right partner makes everyday fun in a relationship and it is better to stay single than to be in a toxic relationship where you are not valued or wanted.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker, and crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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