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I got to understand over time that, the information we have on our inside can either make us or destroy us. We are all products of what we know and have come to believe.

Speaking about my favourite quote, I would be sharing a story of my favourite quote, how it came about and how it has transformed my life immensely.

I came from a family of four, and as the eldest child, my parents had so much expectation from me. My mum will always tell me

Betty! there is no excuse for failure.

How this quote came into being was when I came back home from school after my 100l first semester examination, my grades were poor and I was trying to explain to my parents how that the school system is very bad, the lectures hardly lecture us and most of the questions they set were not from our lecture notes. In my words; those people are just being wicked to us.

My mum looked at me straight in the eye. I could feel how disappointed she was at me. And she said to me:

"Betty you are not a dull child, you have everything in you to become whatsoever you choose to be. In this life, Failures always have excuses but the truth is that, There's no excuse for failure. I am sure some people in your class came out with good grades? Don't bring excuses to this house bring results."

With tears running down my eyes I said to her: Yes mummy. and she said
"Good girl."

I held on to those words so strongly that it became my meditation day and night. I will always say to myself, I produce results and not excuses. My mum is someone that does not accept excuses. No matter what, she would always expect you to produce results in every situation you find yourself and that has transformed my life immensely.

From that day onward, I lived my life knowing that I ought to be productive. And like she explained, truly we easily give excuses for our failure but then, it is also very possible to produce result out of that same situation.

Greatness is a thing of the mind. Once you believe you can, then you definitely will. She never stops reminding me of these very words. It made me so intentional about everything I do because I know deep within me that I can't fail or be anything less.

Now, my life is beautiful because of those very words she said to me that fateful day. I now do things with ease knowing that, I can do them.

Today she is so proud of me and I am so grateful to her for her kind words that have made me who I am today.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you learnt something from my experience.