Mythological Creatures: It Is Not Just A Fantasy.


It is believed that there's power in our thoughts, words, and tongues. I once watched a movie where a writer's story became a reality, and we can say it is unbelievable because it is a movie. However, some of us have seen what we thought about becoming a reality, and it is scary, I have to admit because it gives off this Dejavu feeling.

Sometimes, what we believe to be a fantasy is very real. Our ancestors had lived life where those things were in existence. Let's take dinosaurs for an example. I know people who see them as a fallacy. Like a make-up story by some scientists to bring falsehood to people's minds.

Well, that's humans for you. And I won't blame them because if you've taken time to watch supernatural movies, you'll believe a lot. You know. I was once still am addicted to a movie, "Supernatural" because it is packed with so many details about things you've never believed true, like things that are sometimes satanic in nature. This is one drive that pushed me toward doing some research online on some happenings in the movie, like the part where it is a taboo to break a mirror. I found different sites that acknowledged this truth, and it got me gasping. Breaking mirrors is bad luck unless you do something in return to make yourself free from those things.

... and this reminds me of so many things in life that are true, and we don't believe they are. Just like the presence of vampires, which characteristics are gotten from mosquitoes and then wolf stories about their mate and all. There are just thoughts.

Looking at life, that is, humans' existence, there's a lot of supernaturality attached to our existence. You know, how our conscience is, and how we have a thought and have it come to life. It is crazy. Haha.

Just as I love watching supernatural related movies, I love reading stories about renaissance magic and mythological creatures which widened my knowledge about the presence of some creatures on earth like, Gnomes, Sylphs, Nymphs, Salamanders and all others.

I have read stories about them that I couldn't help imagining their existence in our world. Therefore, if I had a wish to bring alive some mythical creatures, I'd like my wish granted on the aforementioned creatures. I have read so much about them that my head wants to explode. I want to be able to see for myself how true they are and the power they possess.

I know it is crazy and I may probably sound like some crazy scientist and well, I am not going to argue that I am not because I know deeply that I would like to study these creatures and get to even get closer to them. Their mythic characteristics that I have read, especially in novels, are enticing to the heart and mind.

...and it'll be a nice touch to humanity if these creatures are real and get to be studied.

Therefore, whenever I find myself reading stories related to these mythological creatures or doing some research on them, I don't see them as fantasy because to me, they are the most realistic thing known to men.

This is my response to HiveGhana contest.


Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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