When You get the Chance to Lead or Train People, Talk about Hive..Every opportunity counts

There is always joy when the work is done and being done perfectly, It has been 3 weeks of non stop engagement with adults who wish to start something to unprade their living standard.
Of course it has been a super fantastic engagement, more ideas were shared and at the end, it was a joy to watch these lads presenting their ideas with the Lean Model canvas, a model that captures a whole business plan.
We ought to take opportunties when it does opens it doors to us.
I had some few people whom I shared Hive with, I saw in them a potential that will prosper the growth of hive because of what they do.
I met a lady who is a presenter at Kessben fm, of course those of you who have been following the updates of the Hive borehole projects in Ghana, they are one of the media stations we’ve been working with.

She is a newcaster and was very happy to meet me in person. She asked about those projects she has been reading about and was pleased to know much more about Hive.

Well, at the end of everything, we exchange contact and this will open more doors for us whenver the team in ghana want to embark on radio tour for Hive promotion and campaigns.

Those participants were awarded with certificates at the end of the workshop.

Hive is truly gaining grounds here in Ghana and this is call unto us all for us to cease every opportunity that comes on our way to share Hive to others.

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