What If, what You Heard is Not True

Someone will say there is no smoke without fire, lies could be one of the most distracting things ever to happen to someone. People don't only hate lies but they hate liars too.

Often, we tend to form opinions about people based on what we have heard about them. People are quick to judge others based on hearsay. Unfortunately, this has led to several instances where people have been falsely accused and landed in difficult situations. Some have even ended up in prisons, hospitals, and early graves due to simple lies.

The bigger problem here is the broken trust that results from these lies. With rampant hatred and gossip, even musicians have turned against each other. Social media has made it easy for people to present a fake image of themselves and live a life that is all about impressing others.

So, the question is, what if everything you have heard about someone is false? Would you still believe or love them? It's worth considering how lies have impacted our relationships as well.

People might not be as bad as others might perceive or preach about them. What you hear about others can break you down forever and might affect you in every way.
Now I want to reflect and take a deep breath, what if is not true, will you be able to repel the broken trust? If you could at least do a cross-check and confirm

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