Obstacles Of Mindset | Fear Of Failure


Earlier last Month, my wife brought up the idea of producing liquid soap to add up to our source of income, which I tried to stopped her by all means because I was afraid. Some series of question keep on hinting at my mind, what if we fail? What if nobody love the soap? What if, by doing this liquid soap, we later lost some money spent?.

However, my wife is a good risk-taker when compared to me. she has the habit of staking what you've in the hope of getting more. So to avoid issues in our marriage, I agree to her suggestions on producing the liquid soap but to my greatest surprise within 2week, we finished selling it and very soon we are going to buy another soap chemical.

What I'm trying to say is that my greatest challenges in life, that I have been finding so difficult to stopped is the fear of failure. Even though if, I know how to do that things very well but fear of failure will not allowed me to do it. Fear of failure is a powerful emotion which always hold me down and stops me for trying new things, making a move or taking a risk.

For almost all my life, I have always been consumed by the fear of failure and this has, in one way or the other, affected me in all aspects of life. While growing up, I didn't like giving speech in school, I hate interacting with people who are using English language. There was even a time, I tried to learned how to played football but because of my woeful performance during training I had to stop.

During all these stages, I see failure as an experience which I must avoided at all costs, because of this have always program my mindset in a way that I didn't like going beyond my comfort zone. I never for once felt courageous enough to do things without getting scared or having negative thought that the things isn't going to workout fine.

Even till now, sometimes I still get scared of failure. Once I fail, I didn't want to try over again, I always feel like quitting, and moved on. Failure make me to worry about what other people would say about me. Failing make me see myself as someone that isn't good enough. I have some handwork skill which I learnt while growing up but I always hold back whenever I had the opportunity to work with those skills, Although, I have never had a bad reviews before but due to this fear of failure, I prefer holding back.

For some days now, my focus is to overcome this bad challenges, and I want to be a person that goes after what he wants without having the fear of failure.

This is my response to the question ask on hiveghana weekly prompt:

Thanks for your time on my post!.

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