This Is Just The Beginning- Hive Meet Up

Little drops of water makes a mighty ocean.


Over the months, there has been a conscious effort by Hivers based in Ghana to actively promote the blockchain to people near and wide. After so many successful engagements and signups of a lot of Ghanaians, it was then time to get us all together to discuss more effective ways to further promote Hive across the country. After today’s meet up, I am very positive there shall be many other meet ups in the subsequent weeks. This meeting gave me the opportunity to socialize with people who are very resourced when it comes to blogging. For that, I am forever to @HiveGhana and Hive as a whole.Below is a briefing of what transpired at our meet up in tamale earlier today.


There was the need to guide both old and new members on how the Hive Blockchain actually works. To do that were some of the very vibrant members of this family @depressedfuckup and @samed10 who have much experience in this field. Recollecting what was discussed, below are few of the things they touched on:

  1. Getting Started On Hive
    Today’s occasion was graced by the presence of new faces who had shown interest in joining this wonderful family. The meet up brought about an amazing opportunity to get them signed up and to familiarize them a bit on the Hive interface.
  2. How To Write Quality Posts
    Hive requires and respects quality. Due to this, a tedious and serious education had to be done about how to write a good post. Tips were shared by most of the old members in order to guide we the new members write quality posts. In my opinion, this will go a long a way to help promote up-to-the-task contents all the time on the Hive Blockchain.
  3. Hive dAPPs
    Some of our colleagues and also myself had issues with which Hive dAPP to use, when to use it and how to use it. Again, some of the dAPPs such as PEAKD, ECENCY and many more were discussed.
  4. Plagiarism
    The issue of plagiarism had to be stressed on a lot. We were all encouraged to always make posts free of plagiarism.




In a gathering of this manner, members present had to be refreshed. During the talks, we were served hot meat pie and yoghurt. I must confess, today, I ate the tastiest meat pie I have ever tasted in my life and that was at the meet up. I do not know where it was ordered from but I am definitely enquiring about it and I will get myself some few additional bites.
Aside being refreshed, we were provided tools to enable us promote Hive both consciously and unconsciously. Among the tools was a T-Shirt which has details of hive on it. Definitely most literates who see such a printout would want to ask questions. This will serve as an opportunity to educate them on hive and subsequently get more people to join this amazing family. Not just the T-Shirt, we were given books which will go a long way to help build a strong educational foundation for us and the young ones around.
Not forgetting, I will like to mention that the refreshment, shirts and books were made available by @mcsamm and @collinz. I say a big thank you to them for sponsoring this program.





With such an educative program, it could not have ended without me learning a thing or two. Through this program, I have got the opportunity to increase my knowledge on how Hive dAPPs work and how not to abuse them. Also, I have now learnt many more tips on how to write quality posts. If these tips are implemented properly, I will be rest assured that, henceforth, I shall write Hive posts with very good contents.




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