Picking Sides: A Day Without Food Or A Phone?


Have you ever been out of coverage before and it feels as though you are disconnected from the world? Well, a popular network provider in my country has this adage "Data is life," and I agree with it.


Yesterday and today have been frustrating for me as I have been struggling to come online, it is not like I do not have a sufficient data plan but the network has been very poor and it has made me so annoyed, tired and frustrated leaving me unproductive.

I would say, my phone is almost my everything not because I am an addict but because of what I do with it.

As a fashion designer, I get to showcase my handiwork on different platforms to the world using my phone and gaining more clients, I get to communicate with my clients, as I receive new styles from them through the phone.

My phone is very handy, as I carry out banking transactions with the snap of my finger, I can order goods and services in the comfort of my phone.

I can write this prompt because I am on my phone, I capture sweet memories with my phone, and I have the holy scripture on my phone which I can read at any time, even when I am not with the hard copy.

I have a diary on my phone, I have an exercise app on my phone, and more that I get to reach my loved ones using my device and when I am bored I get to watch funny memes on the internet.

What can I not do with my phone? I can watch movies, listen to music, watch live matches (being an upcoming football lover, hehe) and so much more.

Why am I talking so much about my device?

Well, here comes this question;

There are so many things we can’t go a day without as humans. Would you choose a day without your phone or a day without food? Tell us why.

For the above reasons, if I have to choose between a phone and food, I will pick my phone over the food, a day without my phone is like a day in the wilderness😌, my phone is my office, and staying without my phone is like telling me to shut my business, man must not live by bread alone o🤣.


More to that, one can be so occupied with their phones that they forget to eat, so long as you're enjoying what you're doing. I have experienced a time when my screen was broken, I was so unhappy throughout the day, even though I ate a lot that day, I felt it that something was missing, couple with the fact that the world has gone digital now.

If I starve today, I would have enough to eat today and tomorrow with the business conversations I make with my phone, so in all honesty, my phone has a special place in my heart more than food.😌

Hahaha, everyone has reasons for making certain decisions and today I find the prompt for this week fascinating.

All images used are mine.

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