The Valuable Life Lessons That Shaped My Financial Journey

I will always admit to the saying experience is the best teacher and the more we live the more we learned everyday. We live eveyday to learn a different lesson from the nature, people around us and life itself, and out of several lessons we learned everyday some are most valuable in our eyes because they help to reshape the life we living and for the positive impact they take it hard for us to forget about those lessons.

The world is beautiful, likewise its a best teacher that have all the experience of what has happened to man kind, out of the lesson learned from life, money management is most valuable to me because i see it as precious commodity that you cannot learn without going through trier and errors. If we don't have financial wisdom it's easy for individuals to get caught up when looking for instant gratification and that can easily affect our financial journey in life. In fact the rate at which adulthood is knocking lot of people down with finances has lead some to adulthood ill. But I will share you some of the valuable life lessons that help me to understand deeper about money management, a great lesson that surround savings, investing at young age and have brighter financial future.


The power of saving: Anyone who came from poor background like me, the first thing we learn first in life when growing old is money management. We are taught on how to keep money from the little we collecting and today it serves as most valuable lessons that has shape my life and power of saving money. I witnessed the first important of saving money when I was still in Grade 6, that time things are not too going well in the family, the family are going through financial hardship, it's very hard to keep food on our table. We couldn't notice in time something like that is going on, all what I know as little kid is to go out with neighbors to play and before heading bavk my stomach is already full. My friends parents will make sure I ate before leaving so I couldn't know for like three days my parents cant afford 2 times meal for us. But on weekends that everyone is at home I noticed there was nothing to eat, that time my parents explain how it been hard to provide just one meal for us in a day. Tear rolled down from my eyes, with tear I told my mom but I have money why don't you ask me. Fortunately I have been keeping some money given to me from people and the one given to me by my parents when they had enough when going to school, I dont know exactly how much is inside the piggy bank but I know I have some little change. I was not keeping the money because I see something to buy, I was just keeping it because I don't know what to do with it.

The mentality was just there as a kid to keep what people give you but I don't have any plan or know what I'm doing will be useful later. However, I bring the safer and found 3000 naira which was a big money that time. My parents couldn't believe it, but they truth i can't steal it. From that day my parents always mentioned it in our hearing that saving money and building against emergencies is very important, it give sense of security snd peace of mind and since then they also lead us into a path to keep money aside from our income because life is full of uncertainties.
This taught me savings fund not only provides financial stability during tough times but also allows you to make better decisions and not rely on borrowing.

The impact of investing for the future: If we're talking about impact of investment, is not limit to assets investment that every know. One of the most valuable lessons I learned on my financial journey in life is that investing is not just about making money, it is about making your money work for you. There are different way we can put our money wirk for us, but the one i learn from life is that use your money to raise your children, they are the best assest that can yield multiple tomorrow. I learnt this from different story that happened around me and the one told, my parents always tell us that, they're using their money to raise us so we won't come back tomorrow to sell their property. That is great example of investment, invest your money on your children so will have multiple properties behind tomorrow. In fact this is also a great example for individuals to learn how yo be patience.

I learned so many things about life, but the most vital one I will keep forever and will continue to put in practice in investing in tomorrow and saving for the raining day. Some other life lessons I also learned are generosity, trust and love.

Best regards @Adeyemi12

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