A Day In The Past || HiveGhana WK #28 ||


As a struggling student in my National Diploma days, giving up on myself as an Average student was never an option

Being a graduate from a very lacking public school in my village, educational materials, including teachers, were a great challenge for us but nevertheless, all the challenges never gave me a reason to stop working on myself to make the best out of myself academically, I have always learned to look up to those who are performing Excellently well in my class and environment as a means of inspiration

Fortunately, I was opportune to have access to a mobile phone and open a social media page as early as my Senior year of School I never abused this privilege but influenced myself by engaging in reading stories and news on people's pages

This cognition has thus made me apply all these scopes in my learning path, There came a very day as a fresher in the polytechnic, now my alma mater, where I was taught quantitative analysis in chemistry and then given class work that later led to assignments for most of us who were unable to get it right in the class

So this very day, all I was to do was plot a graph of a given quantitative analysis problem After class hours, the lecturer went ahead to his office and gave room for anyone ready to bring his or her work answer for marking

This made almost all of my coursemates get their work marked and prompt them to leave class for their various hostel rooms. But unfortunately, the reverse was the case at my end, as I took my graph work for inspection more than 7 times as I have always faced corrections in it

The endless corrections frustrated me to the extent of asking my friends who were waiting and advising that I should go home with my work as an assignment so we could go home together to go on their own. After they left I cried and spoke to myself, wondering if I was a dullard or what I prayed and made a promise to myself not to leave the Lecture room without getting the work done right

Again, I erased the graph and began with the correction of my work, but on the 8 times I took it to the Lecturer for marking, I still didn't get the work done right This convective visit of the Lecturer made me face a lot of bullying that I never saw as a big deal

With determination, I made it up getting it written for the last time at around 6:00 pm of the day, and this time around the lecturer had left for home. I took all the bullying as a stepping stone to the successful correction of the class work that turned into an assignment for me.

Thanks for reading.

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