Trust is one major thing that is so special, but it has gone missing especially in this generation. People find it very difficult to trust others because of so many reasons we are going to be looking at today. I have lost count of the friends that I stopped trusting because they went behind to stab me. I still want to trust, but it has become a very difficult task for me.


It must also be noted that without trust, the world will not be a good place to dwell. We will just have fear and distrust all over. If you don't trust, then how can we live together, move together, sleep together and do everything together? I remember when we were growing up in the early 80s. Our parents will live us in the care of our neighbors from morning till evening without having to worry about what will happen to us. We move from morning to go to the stream and never come back until night and no one is afraid of what will happen to us. But today, who will do that? As parents today we monitor our childrens movement because we don't trust anyone. We don't even allow them eat food in the house of neighbors because you don't know what others are capable of doing. Hmmmm! What a world. We are indeed in the last days.

For me, I will be sharing some few things that I have noticed that made me not yo trust as usual. Some of those points are:

  • We are in the evil days.
    People can just change within one hour. If it were before, I know that when someone say yes, it remains yes. But things have changed. The days are evil and people have began to do evil by all means just to get money.

  • insincerity:
    Today, people are no more sincere. I remember when someone said to me that this particular woman, when she says- good morning, check your time it may be evening. That means that fellow is not a sincere person.

  • No more fear of God:
    People don't have the fear of God any longer. In those days when people have the fear of God, they can't hurt human being like them because they fear God. But today, the reverse is the case.

  • sycophancy:
    People prefer to be sycophants than to tell you the truth. They believe that when they say the truth, they will not get what they want. Because of that they decide to tell people what they want to hear.

In conclusion, the issue of trust is something that we need to be very careful about. We have some people we call - frenemies. They are in between a friend and an enemy. You can't run away from them and you can't also receive them as friends. All you need is to be very careful. A word is enough for the wise.
Maybe we should just keep trying, one day, the right person to trust will appear.

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