Sometimes, Ignorance Is Really Pure Bliss

Life is too big and it’s really not everything you have to know. There are problems we could have avoided by being unaware,instead we ended up getting involved in situations because we wanted to know things. Don’t get me wrong, it is a very good thing to want to know things. To learn and unlearn, to find and unfind but my little advice for you today is that, sometimes it is way better to be clueless.

I’ve heard stories of people who became accomplices and were legally convicted because they knew something about an issue they werent supposed to know. Other times, knowing certain things affects the relationship you have with people.You tend to see them in different light which isn’t supposed to be the case because nobody is perfect. Weeks ago, I got to know something about someone and I wish I could find a way to unknow it. It put me in a tight corner and also gave me so many responsibilities that I was never ready for.

She was a close friend but started being distant for a while. I asked if everything was fine. She said yes and “if there was something I needed to know she would have told me”. There and then, I should have folded my mat and minded my business and looked forward but I kept on asking a lot of questions. I was so shocked to hear what I heard. After getting to know the whole issue, I now had an urgent sense of responsibility towards her. I was even unable to enjoy my goodnight sleep because the whole thing was scary. I could have avoided this if I just “sat my somewhere”.

She kept on telling me that she was a grown woman capable of making her own life choices and there was no need to help but I didn’t think I could just watch on and do nothing. Then again, I think that’s what I get for not minding my business.After remembering when she said “if there was something I needed to know she would have told me”, I just wish I didn’t push further to know. I already had my own problems but from that day I got to carry an additional burden of hers.

The fact that she also expected me to keep it a secret was the main problem because from all that she told me, she needed immediate serious help but she wasn’t ready for that. If only I could go back in time to try and not get involved in all of this. Knowing what I know now didnt add anything to my life rather,it has drained me emotionally and financially which I was never ready for. How I wish I didn’t even know after all, according to her she was doing good without me in the first place.

Sometimes it’s better to watch and pass than to go searching for things that might end up being detrimental to you yourself.

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