How I Survived “The Internet Blackout” in Ghana

I made this during the “internet blackout” in Ghana. It was a frustrating period but I made sure to make the most out of it. My sister was worried about how I was going to survive without internet especially seeing how I’m always glued to my phone but I had my own ways.

Normally, I wouldn’t even run any errands for my sister but for the sake of this video, I put my stubbornness on hold. I enjoy being a last born but I feel like sometimes my big sister just wants to use errands to “wound me” (Help me guys, Justice for last borns). Thankfully, I had Mr Anonymous come to my rescue a couple of times (Please I’m still very much single).

I wasn’t sure how to post this video because anytime I tried posting a video, it would go south. I had to contact @yahuzah @hopestylist and @fastioluwa to help me compile them so it comes out well. I’m grateful for your help guys.

Anyway, I think I’m beginning to like vlogging now. Maybe I should come up with a weekly vlog project. I enjoyed making this video and I hope you like it.

Compilation was done with inShot.
Background song: Good life by Kehlani and G-Easy

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