Ever Seen Anything Like This In Ghana?

Some years back in Ghana, if I remember clearly maybe 2009 or even 10, Merlin was like a plaque in Ghana(not in a bad way though). I mean the Merlin series. Everyone was watching Merlin. From babies to old people. Oh I’m not even playing. It used to be a ritual for us. For someone like me, I used to watch every episode like 5 times just because it was Merlin.

I created this freeform crochet some days and it reminded me of Merlin. It brought back memories of the dragon asking Merlin to tell Arthur to go into one of the possessed Islands to look for “something” and that “something” would solve the problems of Camelot.

Wait, before you ask me what freeform crochet is, it’s basically making art with crochet but with no pattern. Just like how artists just paint with their brush or just colors with no formula, it’s the same with freeform crochet. Freeform crochet is not easy and I haven’t even seen one in Ghana before but I know a lot of people practice it but find it hard to share because they feel people migjt not understand.

Well, thinking about how hard I worked on this, i just decided to be the first Ghanaian crochet to share my freeform crochet and of course, hive saw it first. Anyway, I named it the Endless end and I just imagine how Arthur would have struggled for days with his knights to go get this Endless End piece to solve Camelot’s problems.

I’m not sure how it would even solve the problem but probably the colors will play huge part in it. But there you have it, I won’t be surprised if this is your first time seeing freeform crochet in Ghana and by a Ghanaian. Oh I’m tempted to add that maybe my superpower is probably beung able to make anything at all with just crochet hook and yarn.

Background song: Merlin theme song
Video was compiled with InShot

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