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Railway Discovery Run

I just finished a 10.507km running that lasted about 0hh:46mm:57ss !


In my perpetual search to discover new routes to run in my city, today I decided to follow the street that accompanies the train track.
In reality, there is no such street, in fact, most of the time the train travels underground but you can, more or less, intuit which streets or avenues follow the same route.
The route leaves the city and enters into another municipality, 2 km later the train leaves its underground journey and appears on the surface where there is already a good avenue next to it.
Honestly, I have run streets that I have never been to before with what has been like a sightseeing tour although a little faster than that.
In the end, after almost 6 km done at a good pace, I have recognized an avenue which I have traveled on more than one occasion and I have set my way back home.
The last kilometers I have done at a cruising speed of 4'10"/ km, feeling strong and light despite yesterday's fartlek.

Keep on runinng!


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