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Lockdown half for June

I just finished a 25.633km running that lasted about 2hh:30mm:28ss !


Last month I was due to run the Greenway Challenge half marathon that was inevitably cancelled. I decided to run that distance anyway and did two laps of a course near home. I thought I could make this a monthly thing and so this is the June #lockdownhalf.

This time I thought I would do the Greenway course, but as it is several kilometres to the nearest parts I compromised by missing out a segment. Unlike my normal Sunday routine I had breakfast first as I thought I would need the fuel. I did not take anything with me, but maybe a water bottle would be a good idea if it were warmer.

I started by running through Stotfold to get to Radwell Meadows. That bypasses the steepest hill on the Greenway. The meadows is a nice stretch through a tree 'tunnel'. Then it is the first of a couple of parts that follow the A1(M) motorway. There are enough bushes in the way to reduce the noise a little. There is a brief diversion through the industrial estate (with a hill climb) to cross the railway.

There were quite a lot of people out, including lots of runners. Generally there is enough room to pass with plenty of room. At around half way I reached Willian Arboretum where there is the large carving of a man coming out of an acorn. I took my little action camera to get some pictures.

On the edge of Hitchin there is a long hill that I was dreading a little, but I maintained a reasonable pace up it this time. My legs must be getting stronger. Round the west side of Letchworth there are some more slopes to negotiate, but they were not too bad.

I crossed the railway again via the caged-in bridge and then it was a matter of following the road back to Fairfield. I bypassed Standalone Farm to reduce the total distance as I was going to exceed the half marathon by a fair bit. That road does seem to go on a long way and my legs were tiring. My feet were a little sore too. My On shoes are not the most cushioned and it can be annoying when they keep picking up stones in the tread.

The last few kilometres were hard work, but I kept jogging until I reached the Arlesey community centre and stopped the watch there before walking home.

I ended up doing a little over two hours for the half, but am happy enough with that. This is my longest ever run. I expect my legs will be feeling it for a couple of days, but I hope to run again soon.

Run free and stay well.



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