Barefoot running with Monnoor after rain

Hey dear friends. You are watching rainbow in this picture :)) !

I just finished a 1.954km running that lasted about 0hh:10mm:40ss !


Look at our feet :)

Mojtaba Normandie is our yoga instructor who I spoke about in this post a little bit. He calls himself Mo :)

In the above picture he is in green bear pattern t-shirt. He usually invite us touching nature. That night he put a message in our WhatsApp group & said it's rainy, let's run barefoot. so here you are.
You can see Zari @zahra.farsinejad in light green dress as well :) Miss you Rabi @rabian & my dear massive bro @mamalikh13 .
And I'm so happy to say that he just signed up in Hive recently. Hope to see his first post soon.

Mo Move's Instagram | Mo Noor's Hive @monnoor | Monnoor's Instagram



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