A couple more runs in the bag!

I just finished a 4.979km running that lasted about 0hh:28mm:05ss !

Like I was saying last time, I started to fall a little behind on my reporting, so I'm including my last two runs here. The good news is that I didn't break the streak yet. I stopped counting though, so not exactly sure what these runs are, 5 and 6 maybe?

Anyways, the first one was tough. It was still hot, but the biggest problem was humidity, somewhere above 96%! Very uncomfortable! When I start sweating while lacing up my shoes, I know I won't like it much... But I already had two full rest days, I couldn't skip it. Of course, it was a short one, and slow too! The first mile almost gave me the impression it wasn't going to be that bad, but that didn't last, very obvious on the splits again. The idea was really just to get out there, and keep a little momentum going, so mission accomplished I guess.
Sorry for the cat pic, but I really didn't know what else to use for my cover picture this time...

I just finished a 5.901km running that lasted about 0hh:30mm:48ss !

For the second run on Friday, the conditions were much better, temperature below 70F (21C) and much lower humidity. I almost didn't run though. I finished a late meeting around 7:30pm, and I wasn't sure I had enough daylight for a run. Glad I decided to run anyways, even if I finished in complete darkness, as you can see on the pic above, just minutes after I got back home.

Not sure it was just because of these conditions, but the run felt so much better! I even felt a little lighter on my feet, even if I still have to drop a lot of weight. And the splits were so unusually consistent, pretty much the same pace the whole way. I rarely manage to do that, so that's very good to see.

To stay safe, I used the same method as I do in winter with East-West lines, so I can decide to quickly head back home when it becomes too dark. So instead of starting North as I do most times, I went East first. That changes a bit from the previous runs.

Lots of wildlife out and about when running around dusk: plenty of deer of course, including a mama deer and her two fawns, a few rabbits, and raccoons. Even a skunk, which I could do without of course.

Next run is planned for Sunday now, although I have lots of stuff to finish at home. But with exactly 5 weeks before the Detroit half marathon, I really have to start increasing my mileage.

Keep Exhausting!

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