Back on the Bike, It's Been A While.

I haven't worn this Jersey in ages

So many things recently going on, today it felt good to get back out on the road bike. Nothing too demanding, just a quick loop around the suburb.

how well did I do on today's ride

As you can see by the workout, I took it pretty easy. Constantly looked towards the bush, so want to do some overnight camping, maybe get in a one nighter this weekend.

hungry anyone ?

Just have to mention, the councils around New Zealand really look after their cities. With free to use BBQ's stove located at popular places and parks, the Wainuiomata Shopping Centre in this case. I've only seen this one used once.

GPS Tracking and Display produced by the Huawei Band 6 and Samsung Galaxy A10 Phone combination.
Photos were taken with Samsung Galaxy A10 Phone.

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