4 weeks and July 2023 running recap

four weeks done

Cover images shows some trends over the last four weeks. Intensity trend is rising, and base fitness with it. As it should.

July 2023 recap

295 kilometers, 33:45 hours, 3700 meters of climb, 31 runs. Decent enough.


proof of run

Another continuation run to end a month of July and start the fifth week of preparation for the events in autumn.

this week's plan

Is almost the same as last week with a bit of step-up. Three tempo runs, one of them of a ladder variety. The Sunday long run will be an hour longer lasting three and a half hours. More opportunity for proper rest, drinks and food :)

better and better
:ervin :lemark

For those reading this description on Strava

Strange characters in the content are markdown codes that make some special magic when read on any Hive frontend like Ecency, PeakD, Sportstalk Social and similar.

You can join Hive, connect your Strava and Hive accounts via the @strava2hive app, start posting about your achievements, and get crypto tokens as a reward (Hive and HBD). It's that easy.

Why don't you join us right now? Welcome!

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Recreational runner who loves the great outdoors. The longer the run/hive the better :)


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