Its snowing!

I just finished a 5.118km running that lasted about 0hh:32mm:27ss !


Woohoo its snowing! I have been desperate for some snow for the past few weeks, and finally its arrived!

I hadn't planned to go out today, but I wanted to make the most of the snow before it melts (rain is forecast this evening). I am also working extra hours tomorrow so I won't have time for the long run I had planned, so going out today helps to keep the miles up.

I didnt have to worry about social distancing either as apparently I was the only person daft enough to go out and enjoy it. The run itself was fairly slow as I was taking my time to dodge puddles of slush. It was a little slippy underfoot but not actually icy, so my slow pace was probably over-cautious, but there was no point in risking potential injury.

Run complete, I'll go grab a bowl of Weetabix and then a nice warm shower, and then I'll head off to work...



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