A lizard a day keeps the doctor away?

Now before my vegan, nature loving friends get their panties in a twist let me explain :P

I have this theory that, like eating an apple a day, that there are certain behaviours we can (and possibly should try to) do on a daily basis that will keep the doctor (and therefore illness) away. Sure, that's a tall order in our current Covid climate but actually that probably makes these things more important than ever.

Choosing what we eat, as consciously as we can, every day:

Apples are a great thing to have on the list for most people because they have fibre and phytonutrients (and a good dose of carbohydrates to make them tasty). They are food for some of the 38 trillion bugs that make up our gut microbiome. And the healthier our gut microbiome, the healthier we--the human host--are.

Moving our body, in a way that brings us joy, every day:

There are so many ways we can do this from walking, to running, cycling to swimming, yoga to weights, unicycling, kid wrangling, so many! :P Thankfully, we also have Apps (and dApps like Exhaust :) ) to help us track and measure this important metric while also rewarding us for doing something that is inherently good for us... as long as we don't overdo it that is. (Key point: joyful movement).

Spending time outdoors, being present in nature:

Enter stage left, the lizard. (See the beauties posing for photos below). Getting outdoors to surround yourself with life is essential to our mental well being. Our emotional well being and, in turn then, our physical well being are directly linked to our mental state. It's be documented oodles of times (that's the official term: oodles) that being present in nature is good for us. Thus, it makes it's way firmly onto this "do every day" list. Whether it's into the bush to see lizards (and wallabies and butterflies) like Brad and I do, or it's going to a park in your town or city, or just getting your hands in the dirt in your own garden, get outdoors - it's good for you.

Of course, this list could be much longer and include very important things like:

  • Spend time with people you love
  • Do something meaningful that gives you life a sense of purpose
  • Create something (anything! It doesn't matter the result, it matters that you're making something out of nothing, creating in a way that feels good to you)
  • Laugh or cry or let yourself feel whatever emotions you're feeling, and
  • Get sufficient, proper rest

The latter is what I'm going to do now: get off the screen, stop being productive and just chill the heck out. From Brisbane, Australia,

Conscious Cat...

The big skink...


and the teeny bearded dragon...


and Mr Brad (aka new.things who took all the photos, including this screenshot of his Garmin app because I forgot to turn my watch on!!)... say "good night!"


I just finished a 3.16km walking that lasted about 0hh:49mm:21ss !
Check out some detailed info at my EXHAUST page
Join me in testing out EXHAUST!

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